Setting the bar

Long before opening its first feeder in July 2021, Centranet knew it wanted its subscriber experience to be different from other internet service providers.  

Part of providing such an experience is getting feedback from subscribers. Centranet regularly surveys its subscribers, asking them about their installation experience, and uses that feedback to make improvements in the overall process. 

“Our entire motive is different than a typical ISP,” said Jillianne Tebow, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing. “We’re not seeking to gain a large profit, rather, we are looking to solve the issue of rural connectivity and provide an incredible subscriber experience along the way.”

In just two years, Centranet has built more than 1,740 miles of fiber, connected more than 5,000 subscribers and made fiber internet available to 68 percent of the Central Rural Electric Cooperative membership.

In July 2022, Centranet’s first subscribers hit their one-year anniversary of having fast fiber service, and Centranet created a campaign to celebrate that with them.

“We developed a campaign that not only celebrates this milestone but also checks in to see how they are liking their service,” Tebow said. 

After some research, Centranet’s marketing team found a metric that measures customer experience with one simple question:  Using a 0-10 scale, How likely is it that you would recommend Centranet to a friend or colleague? 

“The average Net Promoter Score for ISPs is 30,” Tebow said. “That seemed pretty low to us, but to be honest, we really didn’t know where we would stand.”

According to NPS, scores higher than 0 are typically considered to be good and scores above 50 are considered to be excellent. Centranet has sent more than 1,000 emails in the first six months of the campaign, resulting in an NPS score of 86.

“We are ecstatic at our current results,” Tebow said. “It is a true testament to our employees living our core values and striving to go above and beyond each and every day. We genuinely care about our subscribers, and it shows.”