Shane Burgess
Shane Burgess is the current Manager of Engineering at Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc. in Vinita, OK. NOEC serves over 42,000 meters across the majority of 4 counties. Additionally, through its subsidiary, Northeast Rural Services, Inc. with the DBA BOLT Fiber, a robust fiber to the premise network has been built over the last 10 years passing nearly 30,000 locations with over 17,000 connected. Mr. Burgess is responsible for all aspects of engineering for both electric and broadband assets as well as the OSP operations and maintenance for the broadband network. He has been with NOEC for over 18 years working in all aspects of the engineering department and from the ground floor of the fiber to the premise project started in 2014. Shane is passionate about serving the NOEC members and bringing broadband access to those members that still do not have viable options.